information marketing

The term “information marketing” isn’t necessarily new but some businesses still may not classify themselves as such.

If you currently publish information in the forms of books, ebooks, training manuals or courses, you may not realize it but you, in fact, are an information marketer. While you may classify yourself as a coach, trainer, author, or publisher, you are also a large part of the information marketing industry.

Why does this matter?

Because knowing this can help you streamline your marketing while reducing the amount of effort you are currently spending to achieve your sales goals.

When you use information marketing techniques, you can:

  • Build information products based on your business
  • Significantly reduce the amount of “manual labor” you spend on your business
  • Keep customers in your sales funnel longer
  • Segment your business for higher profit margins
  • One of our current clients was spending more than half of his time traveling from location to location to speak at events. By working with us, he was able to turn his speeches into an information product and reduced his travel to only one event a month or less.

    While he wasn’t making a hefty fee at each event, he gave himself the ability to sell his information product, make more money per client than he did at events, and spend more time with his family.

    And it doesn’t just stop with information products.

    You can create membership sites, do individualized consulting for higher fees, or perform exclusive services, like marketing, for your clients. This works especially well for business coaches because once their clients start a business, they’re going to need help with their marketing to get it noticed.

    So if you’re in the business of selling information, make sure you’re not leaving money on the table. If you’re not sure of where to start, get help developing a marketing strategy focused on an information marketing business to leverage your knowledge to boost profits.